A RANT! is a speech or text that does not present a calm argument; rather, it is typically an enthusiastic speech or talk or lecture on an idea, a person or an institution. Compare with a dialectic.

Rants can be based on partial fact or may be entirely factual but written in a comedic/satirical form.

Rants can also be used in the defense of an individual, idea or organization. Rants of this type generally occur after the subject has been attacked by another individual or group.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Mullet Making a Comeback

          If anyone is a sports fan then they will acknowledge that the "mullet" is making a comeback in todays sports.  It seems as though the uglier the hair style the cooler it is to rock. I can remember when I played baseball that having "wings" was the thing. We would grow our hair out so it would flip behind our ears with our hats on. Looking back we looked like dumb asses, but we thought it was cool. Now it is the mullet. I have a buddy that plays for the class A affiliate of the Toronto Blue Jays and he is now rocking it. Why? Is it the redneck look that is in style? Is the child molester that appealing to resemble? Will it stay...will it fade? All I know is that athletes for some reason have always had dumb hair styles and they make it work. 

I found a wikihow on how to grow a mullet:
  1. Grow your hair very long on all sides. It is best to keep it combed, as it will be easier to style and will look better.
  2. Go to a salon and tell the beautician that you would like a mullet. Most likely they will be able to.
  3. Decide if you want your hair dyed. A darker color is better. You could, in contrast, dye your hair sandy blonde, then get streaks of brown. This is up to you because it is your hair.
  4. Get your hair cut. This should take anywhere from 15-30 minutes.
  • You can get teased because of your mullet.

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