A RANT! is a speech or text that does not present a calm argument; rather, it is typically an enthusiastic speech or talk or lecture on an idea, a person or an institution. Compare with a dialectic.

Rants can be based on partial fact or may be entirely factual but written in a comedic/satirical form.

Rants can also be used in the defense of an individual, idea or organization. Rants of this type generally occur after the subject has been attacked by another individual or group.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Gay Marriage: RIGHT or WRONG? Depends on your reasoning.

All right so here we have a touchy subject, but we are “everybody RANTS!” so I will briefly say what I think and feel free to lay the smack down on my opinion. 

Freedom of choice, free agency, God given right to choose...however you word it the meaning is the same...LET ME LIVE, BREATH, ACT, AND DIE how I wish!! I agree with this...as long as your freedom of choice does not affect my person without my consent. UNDERSTAND?! I believe in not forcing ones religious beliefs upon another and I believe in the constitution, which protects the rights of every “AMERICAN CITIZEN” and that both should be upheld at all costs. This being said I think many things that are illegal should be legal and that the government should be kicked out of many things they control, drugs for one. If a stoner wants to get high in his parents basement, play video games and eat a large bag of chips, why should I care? In fact I don’t care and it is my opinion, though I do not do drugs, that if someone wants to they should be able to without getting arrested. I mean how many dollars are we wasting on “the war on drugs” anyways? Just legalize it already!

All right back to the topic at hand, gay marriage. Before we get into it lets go back and find out why the government is in the business of marriage anyways:

Historically, all the states in America had laws outlawing the marriage of blacks and whites. In the mid-1800’s, certain states began allowing interracial marriages or miscegenation as long as those marrying received a license from the state. In other words they had to receive permission to do an act, which without such permission would have been illegal. And thus began our fantastic government getting into the business of marriage.

So marriage licenses became law to basically prevent blacks from marrying whites, sad but true.  So why the hell have they taken over all marriages now, in fact why are they involved in marriages at all?! I have a beautiful wife whom I love, but I could be arrested for polygamy because she is not the only one I am married to. What you say? Well yes I am married to the state as well, isn’t that great. I have heard the argument that the state must be involved or else parents would not be held accountable for their children, or their spouse. The state takes amazing care of foster children don’t they? Oh really how’s your state doing with that? Not good, it’s not working.... well I could have told you that. So before the government controlled marriage your telling me that kids weren’t taken care of? That husbands didn’t take care of their spouses? Oh government thanks for saving my kids and my marriage!

Now that our governments are in the business of marriage, we get amazing benefits...yea right. But because they are in that business, if a church does not follow state law regarding marriage that church could, as history has shown us, be threatened by the gov and even have it’s nonprofit organization status/tax exemptions taken away. If a church does not want to marry an individual, they should have the right to not marry him or her, but once gay marriage becomes a national state law, it will eventually, churches that disagree with the practice could be affected economically with threats from the government.

Now does this mean I am against gay marriage? No, I am against others free will affecting others without their consent. I think that everyone should be able to choose what they wish in this life and only be held accountable for their own actions. I am against the government being involved in marriage, and legalizing gay marriage in all 50 could in fact destroy the economics in churches that do not marry gays. If the government was not in the business of marriage, then I say marry whomever you wish!

Did I just open a can of worms?:)

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